Are you bluffing about digital marketing?

Oct 11, 2016 by Mark Baines Category: Marketing

There’s an interesting interview by Charlotte Rogers in this week’s edition of Marketing Week, with Unilever’s chief marketing and communications officer, Keith Weed.

In it he talks about ‘a lost generation of marketers’ who ‘are bluffing about digital’. Does that ring a bell with you?

He elaborates: ‘We have three versions of people. On one side we have the digital natives who have been born and bred in a digital world. On the other side we have people like myself in my 50s who have children in their 20s and if I didn’t engage with them on digital platforms I wouldn’t have a relationship with my children.

‘In the middle we have what I call the ‘lost generation’, people in their late 30s and early 40s who don’t yet have grown up children who are digital natives and weren’t digital natives themselves.’

He’s pretty upset with this ‘lost generation’, and as he’s a powerful man who influences a lot of other peoples’ lives, I guess it’s time for them to wise up and stop bluffing.

I reckon that’s a lot of people I know. How about you?

For myself, I fit into his third generation, and consequently spend half my working day tweeting, on instagram, messenger, sharing photos, liking and commenting on facebook – in all of these I have several accounts so I’m always at it!

It used to be said that the average man thinks about sex every 7 seconds. Well these days my world has moved on, and I’m sorry to say that I think more often about my phone than I do about sex!

A 40 year old would be mystified by me, but I get on just great with my teenage kids, and I don’t have to bluff about digital marketing.

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