So in listening to Sam Knowles brilliant presentation, I was keen to learn how best to employ my limited skills in this area to best effect, whilst not running out of interest in the subject at the same time.
Big data is a massive topic in marketing, but it has almost been buried by the issues surrounding GDPR. So it’s all the more important to be able to see a way through these to what is really going on, and how the data can be used.
Sam Knowles talk was fascinating and very educational. I also subsequently read his book, which took me much deeper into the area, and gave me lots of ‘take-aways’.
I think the key point is to be able to understand the stats, and then to make stories out of them, so others can understand them too. I drew out six ‘rules’ that can be applied to this:
Knowles also spends some time on what he calls the ‘last mile’ problem – ie the difficulty in explaining ‘stuff’ to decision makers. There’s an old saying – ‘you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink’ – which is reflected in datasets: you can make the arguments, illustrate the position and forecasts, but you can’t guarantee an outcome. I’d refer you to Professor Malcolm MacDonald’s work on ‘Value Propositions’ to get your head around that one.
In summary:
Analytics + storytelling = influence!
Get that right, and you’ll rule the Boardroom!
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