
Sep 25, 2020 Category: digital & online

Toluna is an online market research and insight company, offering brands and marketers a range of products, such as communities, panels and surveys.

We worked with their UK and US marketing teams to create a new approach to the business market which has had the effect of making them a leader in the field of business and consumer intelligence.

To achieve this we designed and built a powerful new website, which delivered the benefit messages with clarity and simplicity. This was backed with a range of campaigns on a corporate and product/service level, using different forms of online advertising and engagement techniques, such as email, video, social and viral.

Website design for Toluna, an online market research by Mar-Com, Bath

“Marcom designed and built a powerful new website for Toluna, which delivered the benefit messages with clarity and simplicity.”

Rachel Powney, Global Marketing Director, Toluna